Masbedo: Videomobile, 17 Jun 2018 — 04 Nov 2018

Masbedo: Videomobile

Palazzo Costantino, via Maqueda 215

MASBEDO transformed an old OM freight van of the ’70s into a “video car” to travel places belonging to the cinema of the past, to investigate the Sicilian society and the history of the territory of Palermo: a moving studio that works as a laboratory and a stage for performances, some of which will be realised live during the Biennale. The project travels and “physically” crosses the memory, specifically the memory emerging from the cinema of research.
“Videomobile” is a modular and accessible video installation, with cameras, monitors, screens, lights, sound system, etc., allowing the creation of videos and video projections: a narrative device, a multi-channel documentary work whose content is in essence, a conceptual and social review of current cinema themes.

Contacts & Details

Palazzo Costantino, via Maqueda 215
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