Agnes Scherer: A thousand times yes
Scherer’s work develops unique forms of presentation by inscribing handmade artefacts into holistic theatrical frameworks. With her elaborate operettas – of which she writes the scenarios and participate in the conception of the music – and narrative installations, she creates complex pictorial work that resists immediate objectification and commodification, instead demanding from viewers a heightened level of focus and engagement.
A persistent questioning that runs through her art- making aims at power relations and their underlying psychologies. Drawing from analyses of art history – the artist has studied it numerous years – anthropological and cultural history, Scherer adopts artistic strategies that originally served the consolidation of power through the hierarchy of representation and repurposes them with critical intent. Using anachronisms and projections, her work often illustrates the uncanny ways in which historical systems, economies and roles are reflected in the present.
Wed – Sat 12pm – 7pm
Sans Titre, 13 Rue Michel le Comte, 75003