David Hammons, 19 May 2021 — 31 Dec 2021

David Hammons

The Pinault Collection hosts David Hammons exhibition at the Bourse de Commerce

La Bourse de Commerce presents a collection of over thirty works of art by the African-American artist David Hammon, a radical figure and important artist of our time.
This body of work brings together pieces never before exhibited in the Pinault exhibition, from his earliest drawings on paper in the 1970s to his most recent works.

The collection begins with the work “Oh say can you see” (2017) and concludes with “Minimum Security” (2007): with these works, Hammons establishes a dialogue with the space and the restorations made by Tadao Ando, generating maximum tension.

The artist plays with a colors palette, working with collage, performance, and sculpture. Hammons recycles objects that he finds on the street during his walks through Harlem, such as rubbish and dirty clothes, which he permeates with new meanings, displaying them in white, conceptual spaces and clarifying their meaning through poetic titles full of puns.

Contacts & Details


Wed – Mon 11am – 7pm;
Fri 11am – 9pm

T: +33 1 55 04 60 60
M: info.boursedecommerce@pinaultcollection.com

Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection, 2 Rue de Viarmes, 75001

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