Modern Love, 12 Mar 2022 — 06 Nov 2022

Modern Love

Karina Bisch and Nicolas Chardon are each developing a singular body of work that follows on from the utopian projects of the historical avant-gardes of the early 20th century (Bauhaus, Futurism, Suprematism, De Stijl, Dada, etc.). They practise a ‘painting for living’ that is both learned and burlesque. Their respective researches are enriched by the works they made à deux.

The exhibition pokes fun at the idea of the pavillon: the architectural follies programmed by the Universal Exhibitions, dwellings, standard housing… and proposes an immense ‘living machine’ that brings together works made individually and as a duo in an original display that is part showcase, part architectural model and part décor, abolishing the border between art and life.
Modern Love” brings together their individual works and others they made together, attempting to give substance to the artistic production of a couple in an original display that is part receptacle, part maquette and part décor, doing away with the frontier between art and life.

Contacts & Details


Tue – Sun 11am – 6pm

T: +33 1 43 91 14 64

Musée d’Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne – MAC VAL, Pl. de la Libération, 94400

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