Tadashi Kawamata: Meubler, 16 Oct 2023 — 25 Nov 2023

Tadashi Kawamata: Meubler

Kamel Mennour – Matignon, 47 Rue Saint-André des arts, 75006

Born in 1953 in Hokkaido (Japan), Tadashi Kawamata now lives and works in Tokyo (Japan) and Paris (France), after exploring NYC (United States). Since his days as a student of painting, in the 1970s, Tadashi Kawamata has been on an artistic journey that is remarkable for its lack of complacency. Taking nothing for granted, he engages us in a process that involves close consideration of the kinds of environments we make for ourselves, thereby raising questions of all-too-human need and desire. Kawamata’s gestures and materials, given the contexts within which they occur, are always smartly chosen.

Tadashi Kawamata is indeed famous for his in situ interventions, assembled from, among other things, wooden planks, chairs and barrels. Whether built up into fragile Babylonian constructions, tree huts, roof installations or stretched out to form serpentine, his works offer, to those who experiment them, climb up onto them or set foot on them, another point of view – in every sense – over the place in which they are situated.

Contacts & Details
Mon – Sat 11am – 7pm
T: +33 1 56 24 03 63
M: galerie@mennour.com

Kamel Mennour – Matignon, 47 Rue Saint-André des arts, 75006

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