Friends of Printmaking 2016 | Marcos Chaves, 14 May 2016 — 12 Sep 2016

Friends of Printmaking 2016 | Marcos Chaves

On the eve of leaving from Santa Teresa, where he was born and lived for more than five decades, Marcos Chaves pays homage to the neighborhood in his new exhibition. Invited to be the protagonist of the 2016 project’s first edition of The Friends of Printmaking at the Chacara do Ceu Museum, the artist was inspired by subtle scenes of the local daily for the production of its newest job.

The engraving ‘Amoroso’, made ​​exclusively for the project was realized from a photograph of a manhole, taken in 2015, in Laurinda Santos Lobo Street, during a walk through the neighborhood. “It was a normal storm drain, but had recorded in the cover the word ‘Amoroso’. This caught my attention and I thought It would be cool to make it part of a special work” explains the artist.

In addition to the picture, the artist will present an unprecedented panel of 5,4 meters consisting of 12 overlapping images. The photographs, all taken from the balcony of his house in 2015, form a large bay with a view of the neighborhood. “You can see the museum itself at work. I have a very strong emotional relationship with this space. I lived on the same street for 12 years” he says.

Contacts & Details
sun, mon, wed, thu, fri, sat 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm


T: +55 21 3970 1198 | 3970 1209

Chácara do Céu – Museus Raymundo Ottoni de Castro Maya, Rua Murtinho Nobre 93, Santa Teresa

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