29th MCB Design Award, 27 Nov 2015 — 31 Jan 2016

29th MCB Design Award

The exhibition of the 29th MCB Design Award features the winner products and written works and the finalists of the prize, other than the awarded poster and the seven finalists of the Poster Contest. The 33 awardees and the 41 finalists of this edition of the MCB Design Award were chosen amongst 532 applicants by two independent judging committees, coordinated by Artur Grisanti Mausbach (product categories), and by Priscila Lena Farias (written works). The jury was composed of 51 professionals with different educational backgrounds, related to design and architecture, and working in the fields of industry, university and project studios.

This edition of the award highlights the diversity of products that are original, technologically and formally innovative, but also value issues such as sustainability. As for the written works, this year the jury delimited the scope to works whose central theme was essentially design related, but valuing the plurality of design forms (such as product, fashion, cultural and participative design).

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