Bruno Drolshagen: Buraco, 28 Nov 2015 — 16 Jan 2016

Bruno Drolshagen: Buraco

Buraco [Hole] features around 30 paintings and six hitherto unseen sculptures by Bruno Drolshagen (b. 1987, Rio de Janeiro), in his first solo show in São Paulo.

Drolshagen creates his paintings after the observation of everyday objects found in his studio or in his hometown. They are images of insects, branches, eggs, objects that draw his attention – which are explored in paintings with thick layers of paint and fast brushstrokes, pointing to an expressive poetical record.

The sculptures were inspired by a location he discovered in Lapa, a bohemian district in Rio de Janeiro, where garbage collectors sell the special objects they gather in a sort of street market called “shopping chão” [shopping floor]. These sculptures consist of pieces of concrete embedded with some of the items found there, such as magazines, pieces of iron, plants, domestic utensils, among others.

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