Daniel Escobar: The New Promise
“The New Promise” is a solo exhibition by photographer Daniel Escobar from Rio Grande do Sul, the exhibit parodies the commercial mechanisms, which flood the imagination of people with misleading promises of excellence, sophistication and immediate happiness.
The exhibition started with an investigation into the advertising strategies of the real estate market, so as to discuss the sale and purchase of consumer desires in the contemporary world. The centerpiece of the show was the work Advertise Here, a full-scale outdoor panel installed inside the institution as available media rental space, hired upon a contract between the artist and the advertiser.
In “The New Promise” a new advertising space will be installed to discuss the subdivision of the urban environment, the role of the gallery in times of commodification of culture, and the fetish of the global art world for young artists, presented by curators and art dealers at every art mega event season – such as biennials – as new promises of conceptual and aesthetic renewal.
mon, tue, wed, thu, fri 10:00 am – 7:00 pm; sat 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
M: zipper@zippergaleria.com.br
Zipper Galeria, Rua Estados Unidos, 1494, Jardim America