Gisele Camargo: Moons, Brutes and Suns, 03 Sep 2018 — 03 Nov 2018

Gisele Camargo: Moons, Brutes and Suns

Moons, Brutes and Suns, hosted in Central Galeria, is the solo exhibition dedicated to the artist Gisele Camargo. This is one of the episodes of her three-part artistic project, organised in as many exhibitions throughout the country and aimed to express the multiple changes occurring in the artist’s life.

In 2018, three exhibitions with the same title bring parts of this series that has been developing over the last three years, each showing works from different moments of the project.

“Brutes” is a series of paintings that began in 2016, in which the artist uses heavy oil paint, overlays and coarse texturing. The Moons and Suns series represent landscapes and Gisele’s relationship with them.

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