Sound in Space, 08 Jul 2016 — 31 Aug 2016

Sound in Space

The show “Sound in Space” is related to sound and video art and it takes places in the museum complex of Santa Maria della Scala.

The exhibition is based on the sound as a constitutive element of the work that determines the image and dialogue in the audiovisual reformulation of space. The contemporary sound that is articulated in the interior of the old hospital museum to find new openings and open to new solutions.
It proposes an acoustic proximity and also a distance, creating a horizontal flow as in a post de-constructivist building where the works do not meet the wall but thanks to the sound are anticipated in the volume of space. Between work and the other is the space of time, namely the museum, that if we want to become the distance from a work all’annunciarsi other.
There will ve site-specific works on view by the artists: Alvin Curran, MASBEDO, Daniele Puppi, Antonio Trimani.

Daniele Puppi, Apolonnia’s Melody 2016
Video sound installation
From the beginning all his works have been aimed at deconstructing, escaping from the idea of Space as still perceived by Euclidean co-ordinates. Favouring vi-deo-installations, he has adopted a new approach to the medium by radically hi-ghlighting the use of sound and its visual-architectural reconfiguration. The sound vi-deo installation for “Sound in Space” aims to interact with the environment and its history. Relics, empty spaces, brick walls… the work seeks to give a sound to each of these elements by producing an echo that reverberates through underground spa-ces. The noise of a centuries old story told through a bodily, rhythmical and osseous percussion that becomes real space. The body not as an iconographic element but as a sound-producing instrument.

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