Art calls with Tracey Moffatt, 10 Oct 2015 — 02 Dec 2015

Art calls with Tracey Moffatt

Art calls is a two-part TV pilot written, directed and produced by artist Tracey Moffatt. In the series Moffatt performs the role of talk-show host, interviewing eleven artists about their lives, interests and art. The interviews—conducted by Moffatt via Skype and telephone—reveal the artists as variously sociable, humorous, reflective or withdrawn.

In making the videos Moffatt was inspired by the power of on-screen personalities and reality television to capture and expose the ‘true’ character of human subjects. The format of the two twenty-eight minute episodes reflects the style of popular TV programs, with their quick sequences, saturated colours and high-quality production.

In the interviews the artists are surprisingly open. Their openness indicates the capacity of online and communication platforms to generate intimate revelations from users, who are protected by the anonymity and distance that these platforms provide. Art calls raises questions about the influence of broadcast media and the Internet on social relations and perceptions. The videos unhinge categorical notions of artists and creative practices.

Tracey Moffatt is represented by Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney, and Tyler Rollins Fine Art, New York.

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