Chang Hui Fang: Faith, 03 Sep 2016 — 04 Sep 2016

Chang Hui Fang: Faith

Instinc, 12 Eu Tong Sen Street #04-163 soho2@central

INSTINC SOHO presents “Faith“, showcasing 1st solo exhibition by instinctive artist Chang Hui-Fang (Taiwan). Chang Hui Fang’s first international solo show “Faith“, is a series of works that largely employs the approach of ‘Appropriation’ in art. Based on religious art works originating from the 15-17th century, it aims to encourage the contemporary viewer to reflect on their beliefs.

When we speak of ‘faith’ nowadays, it does not refer merely to religion, but in fact to one’s deepest desire. Some find salvation in peace, love or family and hence are unable to let go of them; others seek money, sex or success as their ultimate goal. These things are often a complex product of our individual life experiences, and point towards what ultimately satisfies our hearts. In a world today which exalts freedom and tolerance, we are all in fact constructing our own definitions of ‘faith’.

However, is what we build our ‘faith’ on necessarily able to save us? These paintings use a composition of charcoal powder in water, the overlapping of various shades of colour and charcoal strokes to depict creatures in the sky. The use of brilliant gold leaf is also deliberately reminiscent of the image of classical art. In its ‘re-construction’ of the work on which it appropriates, each painting adds a layer of meaning to its original message. It is up to the viewer to make out the identity of the figures in each painting—a parallel to how we may subjectively define our ‘faith’.

About Chang Hui Fang

Chang Hui-Fang is an artist whose artworks utilized large amounts of Chinese ink, combined with pencil sketching on paper for her initial works in Taiwan. She is passionate in incorporating realism from the abstract. Finding order in the seemingly uncontrollable through the use of Chinese ink, she pursues after the balance and harmony that transpires. She won the first prize of Tainan Fine Art Exhibition in 2001. Living in Singapore since 2012, she started to record down the memories and impressions she has of the country by using oil painting. She has showcased her works at venues such like Affordable Art Fair, Artspace 222, and “Remembering LKY- a tribute to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew” works with local artists in 2015.

Born in Taiwan in 1981, she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Tainan University of Technology. She received her Master of Arts in Art Museum and Gallery Studies from Newcastle University in the United Kingdom (2008).

Contacts & Details
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T: +65 6227 9487

Instinc, 12 Eu Tong Sen Street #04-163 soho2@central

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