Nampatjunanyi (Paint and Draw), 16 Nov 2016 — 31 Dec 2016

Nampatjunanyi (Paint and Draw)

Organized in collaboration with Papunya Tjupi Arts, a group exhibition titled “Nampatjunanyi (Paint and Draw)“, presenting works based on strong heritage from principally female indigenous artists, will be on view at ReDot Fine Art Gallery, Singapore from November 16 through December 31, 2016.
The exhibition features a collection of more than 15 works, which highlight the rising proficiencies of a group of women who have been the pillar of support for the novel art center, Papunya Tjupi Arts.

Some highlights are recent jewels by Candy Nelson Nakamarra, which signify complexity and spellbinding iconography, and creations of Martha McDonald Napaltjarri bring to light the historical connections to the men’s work originating from the Papunya Tula movement of the early 1970’s.

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