Hannah van Bart, 01 Apr 2023 — 20 Aug 2023

Hannah van Bart

Van Bart uses the historical chambers of the country manor to exhibit paintings from the past twenty years, yet virtually all for the first time in the Netherlands.

Landhuis Oud Amelisweerd, Koningslaan 9, 3981 HD Bunnik, Netherlands

Van Bart paints portraits, still lifes and landscapes with a subdued use of colour, creating penetrating, atmospheric works in which beauty and discomfort go hand in hand. Although she works figuratively, Van Bart rarely starts from an existing image. Usually the starting point is a source of light, a shimmer, a mud trail, a reflection. She then attempts to reproduce that sensation through multiple layers, layers acting as memories, some vague, others direct and sharp. This contributes to the psychological depth of the work. Although Van Bart never bases her characters on real people, there is something recognisable about them – as if they stem from a collective memory.

Contacts & Details


Wed – Sun 11am – 5pm

M: contact@landhuisoudamelisweerd.nl

Landhuis Oud Amelisweerd, Koningslaan 9, 3981 HD Bunnik, Netherlands

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