David Bowes: Giardino della Terra, 09 Feb 2024 — 10 Mar 2024

David Bowes: Giardino della Terra

Associazione Barriera, Via Crescentino 25

Associazione Barriera presents “Giardino della Terra”, a solo show (curated by Sergey Kantsedal) by David Bowes (born in 1957) an American artist who emerged in the New York art scene during the 1980s and is currently based in Turin after living and working in several Italian cities, including Rome, Naples, Florence, and Palermo. The exhibition showcases a selection of paintings created in different periods and places, ranging from the intimacy of his home in Boston to his studio in Turin. The artist’s ability to capture the diversity of atmospheres and emotional states across various contexts and historical periods is evident in his paintings. It’s a visual narrative that encompasses multiple phases of his research, revealing the evolution of his personal and artistic journey over the last thirty years.

Contacts & Details
thu, fri 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm; sat 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

mon, tue, wed, sun

T: +39 011 2876485
M: barriera@associazionebarriera.com

Associazione Barriera, Via Crescentino 25

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