Sarah Sze: Metronome, 03 Nov 2023 — 11 Feb 2023
Courtesy of Victoria Miro
Sarah Sze: Metronome
OGR Torino, Corso Castelfidardo 22
Metronome, marks the debut solo exhibition in an Italian institution by American artist Sarah Sze (Boston, 1969). Curated by Samuele Piazza, Senior Curator at OGR, this exhibition features a new work co-commissioned and co-produced by OGR, Artangel – London, ARoS – Aarhus Art Museum, and with the support of Victoria Miro Gallery.
The installation restores all the complexity of Sze’s artistic poetics, developed since the late 1990s, which challenges the static nature of sculpture and mirrors the information explosion defining our contemporary world.
Sze’s work seems to navigate and reshape the relentless of contemporary life’s visual stimuli, drawing from constellations of objects and the proliferation of images. Sze reworks the mass of visual narratives we store daily, from magazines, television, smartphones, cyberspace, and the tangible world; her practice evokes the generative process of image-making in a world where consumption and production are increasingly interdependent, and where, in a continuum, sculpture gives rise to images and images to sculpture.
Contacts & Details
thu, sat, sun 11:00 am – 7:00 pm; fri 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
thu, sat, sun 11:00 am – 7:00 pm; fri 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
mon, tue, wed
mon, tue, wed