Christopher P. Green: Vitreous Humour
Vitreous Humour is British artist Christopher P. Green‘s first solo show in Italy. The exhibition, on view in two Venice locations (ALMA ZEVI and Galleria Giorgio Mastinu), is also part of The Venice Glass Week (9 – 16 September 2018).
The exhibition revolves around a new piece by the artist made from neon, that mixes drawing and sculpture media, titled “Mosca Volante”, by which the artist recalls iconic works of the 19th and 20th centuries, such as iconic photomontage by Yves Klein. The work is exhibited together with some abstract paintings by Green, which contextualise it, while a series of Green’s paintings made between 2015-2018 are on view too. These ones are conceived in small dimensions and are strictly related with the artist’s works on paper and with the format of reading books. This aspect of Green’s work is further explored in his works on display at Galleria Giorgio Mastinu.