CryptoVenezian Minting Experience, 20 Apr 2024 — 22 Apr 2024

CryptoVenezian Minting Experience

The exhibition invites participants to engage directly with the art-making process.

Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista, San Polo, 2454, 30125 Venezia VE, Italy

The digital art gallery Bright Moments presents “The CryptoVenezian Minting Experience,” an innovative art exhibition to be held at the historic Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista di Venezia from April 20th to April 22nd. This unique event merges the enchanting history of Venice with the forefront of digital innovation, offering participants an interactive art experience.

The CryptoVenezian Minting Experience” invites participants to engage directly with the art-making process. Through interactive installations that respond to personal music choices and visual cues, attendees witness the live creation of their very own on-chain generative pixel art piece. This blend of physical engagement and technology promises a customized experience, where the art comes alive in response to the presence of the viewer.

Visitors can apply to go through the full experience and are encouraged to immerse themselves in this blending of art, history, and cutting-edge technology, all set against the backdrop of one of Venice’s most venerable locations.

Contacts & Details

OPENING TIMES: 12pm – 6pm


Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista, San Polo, 2454, 30125 Venezia VE, Italy
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