D/EVOLUTION, 07 May 2019 — 15 May 2019


The project “D/EVOLUTION“, organised by Zuecca Projects and by the contemporary art platform the PhotoPhore, in partnership with DBOX, presents a curated video-art selection that revolves around the theme of the Anthropocene and the interaction of men and technologies with the Earth; the way in which human beings modified the ecosystem, and the impact of the Human Epoch on Nature.

As defined by Nobel Prize-winning, atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen, “the Anthropocene is the current epoch in which humans and our societies have become a global geophysical force”. Humanity’s rush to the Future is changing our landscapes and the whole ecosystem, defining a new geological era.

Five international contemporary artists invited to the show – Adriene Hughes, Ran Slavin, Stefano Cagol, Above&Below + Perry-James Sugden, Sigalit Landau – show us the peculiarities of this new epoch: the great modifications on Earth’s surface – through architectures, metropolis, solar energy farms, etc. -, the climate change, the different ways in which the man interacts with the Nature, the impact of technological innovation.


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