Metamorphosis. Camilla Brunelli and Simone Crestani, 10 Sep 2017 — 17 Sep 2017
Metamorphosis. Camilla Brunelli and Simone Crestani
Fondaco dei Tedeschi, Calle del Fontego dei Tedeschi, Ponte di Rialto
Under the umbrella of the Venice Glass Week 2017 the Fondaco dei Tedeschi presents the exhibition “Metamorphosis” with works by Camilla Brunelli and Simone Crestani.
The works on view explore the connection between design and nature: the “metamorphosis” is the phenomenon through which the exoskeleton of an insect – at the same time support and protection for his body – is replaced by a bigger new one as it grows and often induces some formal significant changes. The change, in the case of the works of Brunelli and Crestani, led to a conceptual jump: the exoskeleton is transformed from an “insect box” into a human artifact.
Contacts & Details
Fondaco dei Tedeschi, Calle del Fontego dei Tedeschi, Ponte di Rialto
Fondaco dei Tedeschi, Calle del Fontego dei Tedeschi, Ponte di Rialto