Migrating Objects, 15 Feb 2020 — 14 Jun 2020

Migrating Objects

Art from Africa, Oceania and the Americas in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Dorsoduro 701, Venice, Italy

Having gone down in history for having challenged conventions as a collector and patron, and always celebrated for its collection of modern European and American art, during the 1950s and 1960s Peggy Guggenheim began to look beyond the borders of Europe and of the United States interested in the art of Africa, Oceania and the indigenous cultures of the Americas.
An absolutely new aspect of this original exhibition is the presentation of these objects in groups that favor the original contexts or, alternatively, in dialogue with some masterpieces of the European avant-garde in a collection of artists who appropriated the ideas of these extra-European cultures. These two divergent approaches allow to shed new light on the erroneous readings imposed by Western culture on these objects.

Contacts & Details
Wed – Mon 10am – 6pm
Ticket, online booking is required
On Saturdays and public holidays, reservation is required at least a day in advance
T: +39 041 2405411
M: info@guggenheim-venice.it

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Dorsoduro 701, Venice, Italy

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