Arthur Duff: The Hungriest Eye. The Blossoming of Potential, 15 Apr 2023 — 10 Mar 2024

Arthur Duff: The Hungriest Eye. The Blossoming of Potential

Piazza San Marco, 105, 30124 Venice, Italy

The first installation curated by Luca Massimo Barbero is a work by Arthur Duff, entitled The Hungriest Eye. The Blossoming of Potential. With this project Arthur Duff, internationally renowned for works related to new technology and public involvement, draws inspiration from the extraordinary nineteenth-century Japanese woodblock prints depicting fireworks, which have captivated the entire world ever since. Through one of his distinctive mediums the creation of a laser system, the artist creates new, personalised and transitory forms and compositions involving thought, potential and eye of the visitor.

Besides dialoguing with the space for which it was designed, the work also expresses individual potential. The visitor discovers their strengths through the A World of Potential exhibition, whose uniqueness Duff then conveys through this kaleidoscope of lights. A new perspective through the lens of art enriches the dialogue with and between people, to echo the message that everyone has potential.

Contacts & Details


Wed – Mon 10am – 7pm


Piazza San Marco, 105, 30124 Venice, Italy
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