Voli pindarici, 16 Apr 2024 — 07 May 2024

Voli pindarici

The artists involved in this exhibitions represent a new generation.

Joystick.space, Calle longa, San Polo 2125/B

The artists involved in this exhibitions represent a new generation of artists from the Academy of Fine Arts and the city of Venice.

Mattia Sinigaglia has exhibited in Italy, New York, Paris, Vienna, and Mexico City. Among the most recent are the projects “Venice Time Case” curated by Luca Massimo Barbero and “HAND/MADE” curated by Raphaella Riboud-Seydoux at Galerie Italienne, Paris.

Pierluigi Scandiuzzi is currently in residence at the studios of the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation in Venice and is represented by Lunetta11 gallery. Among his recent exhibitions are “As If Zavattini Were Still Here” curated by Dr. Fake Cabinet Gallery, Turin, and “Lost in the Garden” curated by Domenico De Chirico, guests of the painter Iva Lulashi, Milan.

Contacts & Details

OPENING TIMES: Tue – Sun 10am – 12pm, 3pm – 6pm or by appointment

T: +39 3382182646 / +39 3208694804
M: revilla.vandenhove@gmail.com

Joystick.space, Calle longa, San Polo 2125/B
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