A Ship will not come, 14 Nov 2019 — 25 Oct 2020

A Ship will not come

What stories do the ships tell?

Johann Jacobs Museum, Seefeldquai 17, Zürich, 8034, Switzerland

The exhibition takes inspiration from the film footage taken on the voyages of the “MS Basilea” in the 1950s and ’60s. The footage gives us reason to ask about the stories written by ships. What interests us is less the media-exploited epics like the “Titanic” than small stories and rather inconspicuous events. Stories that allow a view of the whole: of post-colonial struggles on the African continent during the Cold War, or (in China’s case), the delicate beginnings of the world power of tomorrow.

Featuring works by Dias & Riedweg, Eza Komla, Hira Nabi, Dierk Schmidt, Allan Sekula and Adnan Softić, the show looks into the archives of the “MS Basilea”. Curatorial supervision was provided by Bettina Schuler (JJM) and Adnan Softić.

Contacts & Details
Temporarily closed for the purpose of reorientation
T: +41 44 388 61 90
M: office@johannjacobs.com

Johann Jacobs Museum, Seefeldquai 17, Zürich, 8034, Switzerland

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