Wir fordern! Eine Recherche zum «Manifest ausländischer Frauen» von 1975, 11 Jun 2016 — 30 Jul 2016

Wir fordern! Eine Recherche zum «Manifest ausländischer Frauen» von 1975

Les Complices, Anwandstrasse 9

In February 1975, 180 migrants of different nationalities wrote in Zurich the “Manifesto of foreign women and women of immigrant men”. They recalled the progressive, political and social rights and fought to the public for the recognition in Swiss society.

This manifesto was then briefly and vigorously discussed in various Swiss media and vilified especially. Many of the demands have remained relevant today. This commitment to political and social rights of migrated to Switzerland Women represents an important but little-known part of Swiss history and it seems urgent to bring these events forty years later back to the public.

Opening times: Thursday and Friday: 14 – 18 / Saturday 12 – 16 h (in collaboration with Rosanna Ambrosi, Marianne de Mestral, Giovanna Meyer Sabino, Lucina Parazzini, Mercedes Soto and Marianne Sigg).

Contacts & Details
T: +41 (0) 43 243 88 77
M: info@lescomplices.ch

Les Complices, Anwandstrasse 9
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