Art Dubai 2017: Global Art Forum 11. Trading Places
Trade is at the heart of humankind. Trade connects people to one another in a myriad of ways, seen and unseen. Trade can fuel civilizations and empires. It can dictate time itself. The end of trade turns somewhere suddenly into nowhere.
– Shumon Basar
“Trading Places” explores the the relationship between the economy of goods and ideas.
These two elements shape the world and our mind set and identity.
To discuss this issue, the Global Art Forum will bring together experts from the fields of art, history, economics, philosophy, urbanism, literature and more to tell untold histories and stories of the making and remaking of the world through trades.
Wednesday 15 March, 2017
Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai
Day 01
2:30pm – 2:45pm
Welcome & Introduction
Trading Plac€$
2:45pm – 3:45pm
Trading Places: Acc€l€rat€!
3:45pm – 4pm
$old! Pack! $€nd!
4pm – 4:30pm
Trading Places: De$€rt!
4:45pm – 5:45pm
Trading Places: Gold! : Mumbai To Dubai
5:45pm – 6:15pm
Trading Places: Ship!
6:15pm – 6:30pm
$old! Pack! $€nd!
6:30pm – 7pm
Trading Places: Tak€ off! : Music For Airports
Thursday 16 March 2017
Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai
Day 02
2:30pm – 2:45pm
Welcome & Introduction
Trading Plac€$
2:45pm – 3:15pm
Trading Places: Raid! : The East Indian Company
3:15pm – 4:15pm
Trading Places: Route! : Invisible Infrastructures
5:45pm – 6:15pm
Trading Places: Br€ak!
6:15pm – 6:30pm
Trading Places: $old! Pack! $€nd!
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Trading Places: Funk!
6:45pm – 7:45pm
Trading Places: B€li€v€! : Two Saudi Cities
Friday 16 March 2017
Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai
Day 03
2:30pm – 3:30pm
Trading Places: Monum€ntal
3:30 – 3:45
Trading Places: Cinema Akil Presents “Samsara”