Art Basel 2016: Feature
Projects from established and historical artists are precisely curated by gallerists in the Feature sector. Projects may include solo presentations, juxtapositions, and thematic exhibits from artists representing a wide range of cultures, generations, and artistic approaches.
List of Feature artists:
Gallery Bergamin & Gomide
Artist Mira Schendel
Gallery Bo Bjerggaard
Artist Per Kirkeby
Gallery Campoli Presti
Artists Valentina Liernur, John Miller, Reena Spaulings
Gallery Castelli
Artist Roy Lichtenstein
Gallery Cherry and Martin
Artist Pat O’Neill
Gallery Chert
Artist Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Gallery James Cohan
Artist Robert Smithson
Gallery Corbett vs. Dempsey
Artists Roger Brown, Eleanor Dube, Philip Hanson, Christina Ramberg
Gallery frank elbaz
Artists Wallace Berman, Bruce Conner, Jay DeFeo
Gallery Derek Eller
Artist Karl Wirsum
Gallery espaivisor
Artist Braco Dimitrijević
Gallery Carl Freedman
ArtistMichael Stevenson
Gallery James Fuentes
Artist Jonas Mekas
Gallery Grimm
Artist Ger van Elk
Gallery Kadel Willborn
Artist Inge Mahn
Gallery Löhrl
Artist Otto Piene
Gallery Luxembourg & Dayan
Artist Jannis Kounellis
Gallery Jörg Maaß Kunsthandel
Artist Color in German Printmaking 1900 -1930 (group show)
Gallery Mendes Wood DM
Artist Solange Pessoa, Francesca Woodman
Gallery Moran Bondaroff
Artist George Herms
Gallery Plan B
Artists Mircea Cantor, Mihai Olos, Eugenia Pop
Gallery RaebervonStenglin
Artist Sofia Hultén
Gallery Lia Rumma
Artist Ettore Spalletti
Gallery Salon 94
Artist Terry Adkins
Gallery Sprovieri
Artist Art & Language, Ilya Kabakov
Gallery Barbara Thumm
Artist Anna Oppermann
Gallery Tornabuoni Art
Artist Salvatore Scarpitta
Gallery Van Doren Waxter
Artist Richard Diebenkorn
Gallery Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects
Artist Sadie Benning
Gallery Waldburger Wouters
Artist Lynn Hershman Leeson
Gallery Wentrup
Artist Olaf Metzel
Gallery Zlotowski
Artist Kurt Schwitters
tue, mon, wed