Photo Basel 2016
Photo Basel at Volkshaus Basel is Switzerland’s first international art fair solely dedicated to photography.
At photo basel, galleries will exhibit artists from all ages and eras as long as their artwork contains a significant/majority amount of photography. To enrich and broaden photo basel’s content, there is an outstanding program about and for photography contents, to bring photography closer to the audience, to the public as well as collectors. This includes panel discussions, side events as well as a curated special exhibitions.
Selection committee members are:
Marco Costantini – Curator Mudac, Switzerland
Tatyana Franck – Director Musée de l’Elysée, Switzerland
Thomas Koerfer – Collector, Switzerland
Suzanne Tarasieve – Director Suzanne Tarasieve Gallery, France
Roger Szmulewicz – Director Fifty One Gallery, Belgium
Participating Galleries:
Laurence Bernard (Switzerland)
Bildhalle (Switzerland)
Galerie Binôme (France)
camara oscura galeria de arte (Spain)
Raffaella de Chirico Arte Contemporanea (Italy)
FIFTY One Gallery (Belgium)
Flatland Gallery (Netherlands)
Galerie Christophe Gaillard (France)
Alain Gutharc (France)
Galerija Fotografija (Slovenia)
Grundemark Nilsson Gallery (Germany & Sweden)
Galerie in camera (France)
Kahmann Gallery (Netherlands)
Kleinschmidt Fine Photographs (Germany)
Kromus + Zink (Germany)
MAGNIN-A (France)
Galerie Eva Meyer (France)
Podbielski Contemporary (Germany)
School Gallery Olivier Castaing (France)
Galerie Sit Down (France)
Galerie Caroline Smulders (France)
Galerie Suzanne Tarasiève (France)
Van der Mieden Gallery (Netherlands)
Fabian & Claude Walter (Switzerland)
widmertheodoridis (Switzerland)
Galerie Esther Woerdehoff (France)
one focus publisher – Xavier Barral (France)
one focus artist – Juergen Teller (Germany)
one newcomer price – Vfg Nachwuchsförderpreis (Switzerland)
one focus institution – Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK)
special exhibition – “STORYWORLDS” curated by: Screen Projects (United States)
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