Flecha 2018, 08 Feb 2018 — 04 Mar 2018

Flecha 2018

Calle Arturo Soria 126, Calle Arturo Soria 126

From February 8th to March 4th Flecha Madrid Art Fair is taking place at Arturo Soria Plaza Shopping Mall. The fair brings together the best contemporary art from emergent and consecrated artists.

Artworks on view include:

TODOS Ana Valenciano Cano Erhardt Carlos I.Faura Carolina Veramendi B Charlotte Adde Eduardo Vega de Seoane Fernando Suárez Iñigo LizarragaIsabel Muñoz Jaelius Aguirre Krum Stanoev Marta Sánchez Luengo Menchu Uroz SINO Leticia Felgueroso Ouka Leele Jenifer Elisabeth Carey Alberto Corazón Simon Edmonson Leticia Gª Marañón Violeta McGuire Carlota Rios Enrique González Candela Muniozguren Daniel Comeche Carlos ArriagaLouis Grosperrin Javier de la Rosa Verónica Velasco Barthel Eduardo Query Orrite Borja Barrajón Milena Mateva Calo Carratalá Susana Martín Villarrubia Rocío Cervera Isabel Alonso Vega Joan Miró Sergi Clavé Toni Salom Julian Smith & Toni Salom Juan Muguruza Yanespaintings Manuel Luca de tena Alejandro Quincoces Javier AOIZ ORDUNA

The fair opens from Monday to Saturday from 10am to 9pm.

Contacts & Details
T: (+34) 91 603 36 26
M: flecha@flecha.es

Calle Arturo Soria 126, Calle Arturo Soria 126
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