ZONA MACO 2018, 07 Feb 2018 — 11 Feb 2018


Centro Citibanamex, Hall D, AV. Conscripto 311 Lomas de Sotelo

Running February 7-11, 2018, Zona Maco presents its fifteenth edition with the most representative selection of the international art world through more than 170 galleries from more than 20 countries.

The participating galleries, coming from all over the world, are distributed into five sections: Main Section, New Proposals, Zona Maco Sur, Modern Art, and Design.
With a solid list of exhibitors, Zona Maco offers a program of conferences with international guests, a section with specialized publications and editorials, and the widest program of parallel activities with exhibitions at the most outstanding galleries and museums in the country.

Save the date – ZONA MACO 2018
7-11 February 2018
Centro Citibanamex, Hall D
Mexico City

Contacts & Details
mon, tue

T: +52 55 5280 6073
M: info@zonamaco.com

Centro Citibanamex, Hall D, AV. Conscripto 311 Lomas de Sotelo
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