Positions, 04 Dec 2014 — 07 Dec 2014


This sector allows curators, critics, and collectors to discover ambitious new talents from all over the globe by providing a platform for a single artist to present one major project.

Carroll / Fletcher | Constant Dullaart
Central Galeria de Arte | Nino Cais
Clifton Benevento | Zak Kitnick
Crèvecoeur | Julien Carreyn
Freedman Fitzpatrick | Lucie Stahl
Honor Fraser | Meleko Mokgosi
Dan Gunn | Tracey Rose
Galerie Juliètte Jongma | Florian & Michael Quistrebert
Kalfayan Galleries | Hrair Sarkissian
RaebervonStenglin | Thomas Julier
Ramiken Crucible | Borden Capalino
Galeria Marilia Razuk | Maria Laet
Revolver Galería | Ishmael Randall Weeks
Simone Subal Gallery | Sam Ekwurtzel
SlyZmud | Faivovich & Goldberg
Spazio A | Esther Kläs

Contacts & Details
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