Independent New York 2018, 09 Mar 2018 — 11 Mar 2018

Independent New York 2018

Spring Studios, 50 Varick Street

Independent New York is reaching its ninth edition which takes place at Spring Studios in Tribeca from March 8–11, 2018.

The 2018 edition includes 50 international galleries and non-profits, representing 17 cities worldwide. This year’s participants include 19 new exhibitors, ranging from emerging galleries to those with decades-long legacies. Matthew Higgs, the director of White Columns, returns as the Independent’s founding curatorial advisor, curating a forum that is an authentic reflection of the gallery landscape and encourages innovative approaches to fair presentations.

The 2018 edition of Independent New York includes many solo, two-artist, and site-driven projects, featuring new work created specifically for Independent as well as scholarly historical presentations.

Check out here the full list of exhibitors

Save the date – Independent New York 2018
March 9-11, 2018
Spring Studios,
50 Varick Street, New York

Contacts & Details

Spring Studios, 50 Varick Street
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