Manifesta 12: Out of Control Room
“The Out of Control Room” section investigates the role of power in today’s regime of global flows and constant changes.
In contemporary times, the traditional power structures of nation states seem to become less important, while our lives are organised in invisible networks, whose accelerating forces are getting more and more complex. The works included in “Out of Control Room” make invisible networks visible, the abstract tangible and debatable. Palermo, a city of transnational movements, subject to decades of criminal exploitation and neglect, is the ideal stage where to discuss about possible futures.
Artists James Bridle, Filippo Minelli, Tania Bruguera, Trevor Paglen, Richard Vjigen, Lydia Ourahmane, Rayyane Tabet, The Peng! Collective (courtyard), John Gerrard (courtyard)
Location Palazzo Ajutamicristo, Via G. Garibaldi, 23; Courtyard – Via G. Garibaldi, 41
Artists Kader Attia, Erkan Ozgen, Forensic Oceanography, Laura Poitras, Patricia Kaersenshout, The Peng! Collective, John Gerrard
Location Forcella De Seta, Foro Italico Umberto I, 21
Artists Cristina Lucas
Location Casa del Mutilato, Via Alessandro Scarlatti, 12
Artist Taus Makhacheva
Location Palazzo Trinacria, Via Butera 24