Manifesta 12, 14 Jun 2018 — 04 Nov 2018

Manifesta 12

Teatro Garibaldi, Via Teatro Garibaldi 46/56

Manifesta 12, the European nomadic biennial, is reaching its twelfth edition in Palermo from 16 June until 4 November 2018. By now it has unveiled the first 10 participants included in the programme and 5 of the locations throughout the city. In total, the biennial consists of more than 30 newly commissioned works, public installations, performances, and urban interventions and takes place in more than 15 iconic venues in Palermo.

“The Planetary Garden: Cultivating Coexistence” hosts three main sections: “Garden of Flows”, “Out of Control Room” and “City on Stage”.

“The Planetary Garden: Cultivating Coexistence” takes place in the magnificent Botanical Garden and numerous other historical, sacred, modern and previously abandoned locations in the city centre and beyond. It re-occupies the Teatro Garibaldi as the heart and central meeting place of Manifesta 12.

The four Creative Mediators are Italian architect and partner at OMA, Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli; Dutch filmmaker and journalist, Bregtje van der Haak; Spanish architect and scholar based in New York, Andrés Jaque; and Swiss contemporary art curator, Mirjam Varadinis.

The parallel programme in divided in two parts:

Manifesta 12 Collateral Events inviting public and private institutions, non-profit organizations and professionals from Palermo, Sicily, Italy and abroad to feature a project in Palermo alongside the main Manifesta 12 biennial.

5x5x5 Programme inviting international and national galleries, individual artists and educational institutions to hold a topical pop-up event during the biennial in Palermo with an active involvement of local art scene and communities (5x artists-in-residence in Palermo in public and private spaces in the city, 5x pop-up shows by international/national galleries, 5x summer schools by educational and academic institutions)


Check out here more info on tickets and guided tours.
For educational projects and tours with gardeners click here.

Contacts & Details
T: +39 091 6230804

Teatro Garibaldi, Via Teatro Garibaldi 46/56
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