Fiac 2017: On Site, 18 Oct 2017 — 22 Oct 2017

Fiac 2017: On Site

Petit Palais, Avenue Winston Churchill

With admission free, the On Site sector was launched in 2016 and presents in the spaces of the Petit Palais sculptural works and installations, in collaboration with Christophe Leribault, curator and director of the Petit Palais, and Eva Wittocx, associate curator of On Site.

Some forty artworks will invest the spaces of the Galerie Sud, the Galerie Nord, the Galerie des Grand Formats, the Jardin of Petit Palais, as well as the esplanade in front of the buildings and the Avenue Winston Churchill, which connects the Grand and the Petit Palais.

Find out here the full list of participating galleries and artists.

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Petit Palais, Avenue Winston Churchill
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