FLAT Fiera Libro Arte Torino 2018, 02 Nov 2018 — 04 Nov 2018

FLAT Fiera Libro Arte Torino 2018

Nuvola Lavazza, via Ancona 11/a

Fiera Libro Arte Torino – FLAT is an international event dedicated to contemporary art publications bringing together leading publishers, small independent press, book makers, collectors and book lovers.

This year FLAT hosts an exhibition celebrating Dieter Roth on the 20th anniversary of his death. Curated by Elena Volpato“Dieter Roth. Le Pagine” presents over one hundred of his books and the entire corpus of his handwritten diaries, testifying to the importance of a work that continues to represent an inexhaustible source of inspiration for contemporary artists.

This year the fair changes location to be hosted at Nuvola Lavazza, realised by Cino Zucchi Architetti in the area of the former Enel power plant in the Aurora district. The entire complex, in addition to the Lavazza Headquarters, includes la Piazza, a green area that connects via Ancona to via Bologna, La Centrale and the historic building on the corner between via Bologna and via Pisa that houses the headquarters of the IAAD – Istituto of Applied Arts and Design.

Check out the full list of exhibitors here.

La Centrale, Nuvola Lavazza
via Ancona 11/a

Opening hours
November 2 and 4: 11 am—7 pm
November 3: 11 am—10 pm


Contacts & Details
mon, tue, wed, thu

T: +39 011 3157476
M: info@flatartbookfair.com

Nuvola Lavazza, via Ancona 11/a
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