52nd International Theatre Festival, 15 Jun 2024 — 30 Jun 2024

52nd International Theatre Festival

The 52nd International Theatre Festival will run from 15-30 June 2024, directed by Stefano Ricci and Gianni Forte.

The programme will feature daily events with the most important protagonists ot the contemporary theatrical scene, along with the productions made in the context of the Biennale College Teatro, the training project aimed at young artists.

Authors and directors Stefano Ricci and Gianni Forte trained at the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica Silvio d’Amico with Luca Ronconi, and at New York University with Edward Albee. The eponymous ensemble was founded in 2005. Among their awards: Hystrio, Vallecorsi, Fondi-La Pastora, Studio 12, Oddone Cappellin for dramaturgy, and the Premio Gibellina/Salvo Randone for direction.

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