
Montenapoleone Suites

Discover unparalleled luxury and comfort at Montenapoleone Suites in Milan.

Montenapoleone Suites is a new and modern facility located in an elegant building at the heart of the Quadrilatero, Milan’s famous fashion district. The venue offers a modern concept of hospitality, providing its guests with all the facilities of a luxury hotel while ensuring the autonomy and independence of a private suite.

Each suite is a sanctuary of luxury and comfort, where every detail is designed to offer an exclusive experience. Some of the suites also have a private sauna, ensuring a complete experience of relaxation.

Via Santa Cecilia 4, 20122 Milan, Italy
Contacts & Details
T: +39 02 76028230
W: Montenapoleone Suites

Via Santa Cecilia 4, 20122 Milan, Italy

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