Bhf St. Johann Thai Restaurant
A corner for Thai food lovers in the heart of Basel
Owned by a Swiss-Thai family and run by the family members, Bhf St. Johann Thai Restaurant is a typical Quartierbeiz, local pub/friendly neighbourhood resto, in the heart of St Johanns Quartier. It is considered to be one of the best Thai restaurant of the city.
Hüningerstrasse 2, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
Contacts & Details
Mon 11:30am – 2pm
Tue – Fri 11:30am – 2pm; 6pm – 11pm
Sat 6pm – 11pm
Sun 6pm – 10pm
Mon 11:30am – 2pm
Tue – Fri 11:30am – 2pm; 6pm – 11pm
Sat 6pm – 11pm
Sun 6pm – 10pm
T: +41 61 534 0872
W: Bhf St. Johann Thai Restaurant
Hüningerstrasse 2, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
W: Bhf St. Johann Thai Restaurant
Hüningerstrasse 2, 4056 Basel, Switzerland