Albania 2019, 11 May 2019 — 24 Nov 2019
National Participations

Albania 2019

Driant Zeneli: Maybe the cosmos is not so extraordinary

Arsenale Artiglierie, Arsenale, Castello

Title: “Maybe the cosmos is not so extraordinary”
Commissioner: The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania
Curator: Alicia Knock
Artist: Driant Zeneli

“Maybe the cosmos is not so extraordinary” is a sculptural video installation which expands upon a multidisciplinary project entitled “Beneath a surface there is just another surface” started in 2015 at Metallurgjik, a dystopian industrial complex, in the city of Elbasan, Albania. The project and its title derive from the pioneering science-fiction novel “On the way to Epsilon Eridani” (1983) by Albanian physicist and writer Arion Hysenbegas.

Contacts & Details
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 10:00 am – 6:00 pm


Arsenale Artiglierie, Arsenale, Castello
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