Austria 2019, 11 May 2019 — 24 Nov 2019
National Participations

Austria 2019

Discordo Ergo Sum

Giardini, Giardini, Castello

Title: “Discordo Ergo Sum”
Commissioner: Federal Chancellery of Austria

Curator: Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein
Artist: Renate Bertlmann

Artist Renate Bertlmann participates to Austrian pavilion at Venice Art Biennale 2019, marking the first solo presentation of a female artist in the history of the pavilion. “Discordo Ergo Sum” (“I dissent, therefore I am”) is the title of Austrian artist Renate Bertlmann’s site-specific installation for the Austrian pavilion. In this rephrasing of the philosophical principle Cogito Ergo Sum (“I think, therefore I am”), the artist attempts to cancel out the supremacy of reason and to describe herself within her insurgent worldview. With a further modification of this principle, the phrase Amo Ergo Sum (“I love, therefore I am”), Renate Bertlmann ironically signs the pavilion’s architecture. This subversive treatment puts the principle of her artistic approach in a nutshell. An expression thereof is the installation of knife-roses in the courtyard, whose form and content allows us to sensuously experience the dichotomy of our existence.

Contacts & Details
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 10:00 am – 6:00 pm


Giardini, Giardini, Castello
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