Belarus 2019, 11 May 2019 — 24 Nov 2019
National Participations

Belarus 2019

Exit / Uscita

Spazio Liquido, Sestiere Castello 103, Salizada Streta

Title: “Exit / Uscita”
Commissioner: Siarhey Kryshtapovich
Curator: Olga Rybchinskaya
Artist: Konstantin Selikhanov

“Exit” is organised around the space interaction of five multimedia objects, each capturing certain moment with its state of mind. The human sculptures interact with ready-made objects and forms: a working TV-sets, a neon sign, glasses with milk on a tray, a banner with slogan, packaging boxes. This total installation format forces all elements to mingle into a homogenous whole, producing a unique aura of the important message and indirect statement. It designs the views’ reaction within the semantic space by setting up individual light zones around meaningful objects sublimed in the overall darkness, thus generating nonlinear narrative structure. The project exists in many dimensions. It engages time and history to mark the period of change and redefine a man’s place in it. This is a protracted “transition” process. This transformation is perceived by some as a post-cataclysm, and as pre-catastrophe by the others. Future is unpredictable. It feels like an accelerating motion with no signposts and mapped routes. It becomes the dominant experience to the world. Not only it modifies the environment; it distorts the very human being, displacing him into the new sort of space “between”. His depersonalised figure celebrates the paradigm shift: from soviet to post-soviet, from local to global etc. Truth and lie, evil and good, happiness and unhappiness – the opposites comprising one’s life gradually blur and mingle. Unsupervised by history, the time arouses unrest, mistrust and simplification. This new power shapes anonymous figures, post-images, producing a “no-face” effect.


Contacts & Details
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm


Spazio Liquido, Sestiere Castello 103, Salizada Streta
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