Brazil 2018
Walls of Air
Title: “Walls of Air”
Commissioner: João Carlos de Figueiredo Ferraz – Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
Curators: Gabriel Kozlowski, Laura González Fierro, Marcelo Maia Rosa and Sol Camacho
Exhibitors: Corsi Hirano Arquitetos, Pedro Varella, Gru.a Arquitetos, Una Arquitetos, Laboratório de Urbanismo da Metrópole – LUME da FAUUSP, Metrópole Arquitetos, Triptyque Architecture, Sem Muros Arquitetura Integrada, Pedro Évora, Bernardes Arquitetura, Rosenbaum + Aleph Zero, H+F Arquitetos, Vigliecca & Associados, Boldarini Arquitetos, Libeskindllovet Arquitetos, Jansana, de la Villa, de Paauw arquitectes, Studio MK27, SP Urbanismo, SIAA + HASAA, Brasil Arquitetura, Sauermartins + Metropolitano Arquitetos, Atelier Marko Brajovic
“Walls of Air/Muros de ar” investigates the wall as an element of Brazilian architecture, culture and identity, and envisage in the act of bridging this wall an invitation to coexistence and multiplicity. “Muros de ar” is organised on two exhibition design fronts. The first consists of the presentation of ten cartographic designs created based on research with a network of collaborators, consultants and institutions, as a way of visualising the forms of spatial and conceptual separation resulting from the process of urbanisation of Brazil. The second, in an initiative unprecedented in the history of Brazilian participation in the event, focuses on projects chosen through a public selection process. Of the 289 projects assessed in over 60 Brazilian cities, the curatorship selected 17 examples that use architecture as a tool to measure conflict, transitions between public and private domains and connections between different urban fabrics.
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 10:00 am – 6:00 pm