Estonia 2018, 26 May 2018 — 25 Nov 2018
National Participations

Estonia 2018

Weak Monument

Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Castello 450

Title: “Weak Monument”
Commissioner: Raul Järg. Curators/Exhibitors: Laura Linsi, Roland Reemaa, Tadeas Riha

Estonian Pavilion curators, Laura Linsi, Roland Reemaa and Tadeáš Říha, explore the spectrum between the explicit representation of the monument and the implicit politics of everyday architectures: from the triumphal column to the pavement beneath it, through all that is inbetween.
The title itself –Weak Monument” – is an oxymoron, a rhetorical device that offers fresh perspectives on how to recognize politics in any built form.  Located at the edge of Via Garibaldi, between the Biennale venues of Giardini and Arsenale, the Pavilion of Estonia – “Weak Monument” will transform the rooms of the former baroque church of Santa Maria Ausiliatrice (Fondamenta San Gioacchino) that offer remnants of a monumental yet decadent spatial symmetry and hierarchy.

Contacts & Details
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 10:00 am – 6:00 pm


Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Castello 450
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