Madagascar 2019
I have forgotten the night
Title: “I have forgotten the night”
Curators: Rina Ralay Ranaivo, Emmanuel Daydé
Commissioner: Ministry of Communication and Culture of the Republic of Madagascar
Artist: Joël Andrianomearisoa
For its first national participation at the Biennale Arte in Venice, the Madagascar Pavilion features the solo exhibition by Joël Andrianomearisoa. While preparing its proposal in collaboration with the two curators Rina Ralay Ranaivo and Emmanuel Daydé, Andrianomearisoa explored references associated with life, the night, architecture, literature and folk legends from Madagascar and elsewhere. Through his installation made of black paper, he brings to life an alternative world referencing the most divers sources, like the skyline of Cotonou, the legend of Lake Tritriva and a few notes from the poet Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo in dialogue with Marguerite Duras’s India Song, among the others. The exhibition is produced by Kantoko and Revue Noire.
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sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Arsenale, Arsenale, Castello