North Macedonia (Republic of) 2022, 23 Apr 2022 — 27 Nov 2022
National Participations

North Macedonia (Republic of) 2022

Robert Jankuloski, Monika Moteska: Landscape experience

Scuola dei Laneri, Santa Croce 113/A

Title: Landscape experience
Commissioner: Dita Starova Qerimi, National Gallery of the Republic of North Macedonia
Curators: Ana Frangovska, Sanja Kojic Mladenov
Exhibitor: Robert Jankuloski, Monika Moteska

North Macedonia presents the project “Landscape Experience” at the 59th Venice Biennale. The Pavilion hosts a multimedia installation consisting of video projections, photographs and objects. The aim of the installation is to raise new questions about us and our planet, about the folly of wars and the relentless loss of lives, about the condemnation of violence against man and nature and ecological disasters that, unlike wars where instantaneous destruction occurs, slowly and quietly destroy living organisms.

The project analyzes the Anthropocene problematizing man and his environmental and political consciousness. Although the project talks about destruction and extinction, a spark of optimism and faith in humanity is preserved.

Contacts & Details

Scuola dei Laneri

Scuola dei Laneri, Santa Croce 113/A
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