Syria, 09 May 2015 — 22 Nov 2015
National Participations


San Servolo Island, San Servolo Island

The Origins of civilization —in taking on this theme, the Syrian Arab Republic Pavilion, now presenting its fifth exhibition at the 56th Venice Biennale, confirms the premises that have characterized it from the very first show, and that is reiterates its support for the development of a dialogue between free aesthetic expressions that represent the changing, multifarious appearance of the contemporary.

In order to respond to this theme, the Pavilion presents the work of artists from Syria (Narine Ali, Ehsan Alar, Fouad Dahdouh, and Nassouh Zaghlouleh), Italy (Aldo Damioli, Mauro Reggio, and Andrea Zucchi), China (Liu Shuishi), Spain (Felipe Cardeña), Albania (Helidon Xhixha), and Ukrain (Svitlana Grebenyuk), focusing on a stylistic physiognomy that has matured in very different environmental and historical circumstances. From this “conference” of different expressive worlds emerge urgent testimonies and questions regarding history, tradition, and the spiritual heritage of different peoples, making visitors aware of just how much the copresence of the past, present, and future sustains the human and vital drama of our times. From this point of view, the surprising polymorphism of artistic languages favors the assimilation of a complex aesthetic experience born of individual passion yet open to a vaster synchronicity of perceptions and visions.

Contacts & Details
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 11:00 am – 5:00 pm


San Servolo Island, San Servolo Island
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