Project by Tomás Saraceno to inaugurate Manifattura Tabacchi’s new artistic hub in Florence
On the occasion of the monographic exhibition dedicated to Tomás Saraceno at Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi titled “Aria”, the ecological research of the Argentinian artist takes over the spaces of Manifattura Tabacchi, in Florence. Saraceno’s practice addresses social, scientific and ecological issues, to rethink the human kind’s role and relationship with the planet and investigate new ethical ways to inhabit it. With this goal, the artist founded the Aerocene Foundation, a varied and interdisciplinary artistic community working on new ecological projects also through participatory experiments.
To tie in with the monographic exhibition in Florence, the Manifattura Tabacchi is hosting a series of linked workshops, publications and videos under the title of “Aerocene”, with the cooperation of Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi and the Aerocene Foundation.
Within the Aerocene project, three days will be dedicated to “ARIA Days”, from September 11–13, 2020: the aero solar spheres designed by Saraceno and the Aerocene’s community will float in the air thanks only to the heat of the sun. The experiment, open to the public, wants to trigger a reflection on new alternative ways of travelling, without needing fossils fuels, that could inaugurate a new era for humankind. The event marks also the reopening of Manifattura Tabacchi’s area dedicated to contemporary art.
The event inaugurates the NAM Not a Museum – Manifattura Tabacchi programme, to transform the space into a pole of experimentation and innovation and cultural hub with a renovated approach to contemporary art. The interdisciplinary programme arises from the collaboration between several Florence institutions, including the Museo Novecento and the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, to create a hybrid reality dedicated to art, nature, architecture, and science. The varied programme responds to the will of spreading art outside the walls of traditional institutions to reevaluate an entire area of the city: the inaugural events include Saraceno’s Aerocene, residencies for young artists, and a series of festivals.
The complete programme is available here.