
Una Boccata d’Arte to held its second edition in June

Words by Carla Ingrasciotta
April 1, 2021

With the project Una Boccata d’Arte [A breath of art] the Fondazione Elpis aims to contribute to the support of contemporary art and the enhancement of the Italian historical and landscape heritage.

The idea is to create an encounter between contemporary art and the historical and artistic beauty of twenty Italian villages. To do so, Galleria Continua and Fondazione Elpis invited 20 artists to create site-specific installations around 20 small and less-known Italian villages in 20 different Italian countries: Abbateggio (PE) in Abruzzo; Pietragalla (PZ) in Basilicata; Civita (CS) in Calabria; Gesualdo (AV) in Campania; Portico e San Benedetto (FC) in Emilia Romagna; Polcenigo (PN) in Friuli- Venezia Giulia; Tolfa (RM) nel Lazio; Varese Ligure (SP) in Liguria; Cornello dei Tasso (BG) in Lombardia; Corinaldo (AN) nelle Marche; Fornelli (IS) in Molise; Monastero Bormida (AT) in Piemonte; Pietramontecorvino (FG) in Puglia; Tratalias (CI) in Sardegna; Centuripe (EN) in Sicilia; Radicondoli (SI) in Toscana; Santa Geltrude (BZ) in Trentino-Alto Adige; Vallo di Nera (PG) in Umbria; Gressoney Saint Jean (AO) in Valle d’Aosta; Battaglia Terme (PD) in Veneto

Initiated in 2020, the second edition will be held from 26 June to 26 September 2021 and will see the participation of Threes Productions.

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